quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

Ontem estive a ver por umas horitas o canal da disney com os meus sobrinhos, e lembrei-me dos meus tempos dos desenhos animados… Eu adorava os desenhos animados, adorava os que na altura passavam na nossa televisão, antes das parabólicas e muito antes das disneys e cartoons.. Nós só tínhamos, aquilo e era aquilo que gostávamos… Se não era o homem pássaro, era a pantera cor de rosa, ou bumbo, ou homem pássaro ou outro qualquer, mas não passava disso e o nosso horário era fixo… As 18 começava o homem pássaro e aquela hora não podíamos perder… ehhehhe tempos lixados… Eu gostava particularmente da série de desenhos animados huckleberry finn e dos seus amigos que brincavam aos piratas no Mississipi! Lembram-se?Personagens como o Indio Joe, Cid, Becky, entre outras, faziam parte do nosso imaginário infantil/juvenil, baseado no romance de Mark Twain, as Aventuras de Tom Sawyer estavam cheias de emoção, amizade e diversão, que cativavam toda a gente!

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

I. Plot Summary
Huck escaped from his father’s hands and ran away going to the Jackson’s Island by his canoe where he met Jim, a runaway slave who had escaped from Miss Watson, his owner. Huck and Jim travelled together on a raft down the Mississippi river in search of their freedom and after which, they became bestfriends.Huck and Jim were accidentally separated because of heavy fog after they had found a house with a dead man inside which ended up into stealing many things from the house, and when a steamboat crashed into their raft.Huck had gone in the territories of the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons, two different families which was at war with each other. Later on, Huck and Jim reunited again.As they continued their journey together, they met the King and the Duke who made a deal with them to cheat Peter Wilks of England. The King and the Duke pretended to be Wilks’ long lost brothers and and tried to steal all of the money left behind in his will.Later on, Huck fled away from them but Jim was left in their hands and sold to a farmer by the name of Sally Phelps, Tom Sawyer’s aunt.Tom rejoined the action and forced Huck to act out a parody of the contemporary popular romances in seeking to free Jim.At the end, it was revealed that Jim had been free all that time. Miss Watson( Jim’s owner) died with a provision in her will to free him.With Tom and Huck’s help, Jim was able to escape from Tom’s Aunt Sally Phelps’ adoption. Then, both Huck and Jim totally had their freedom that they had ever wanted.
II. Settings
Huckleberry Finn takes place along the Mississippi River. It includes St. Petersburg, Missouri and other well known cities down the river such as New Orleans, and St. Louis. The settings along the stretch of Mississippi river symbolizes Huck and Jim’s journey for their freedom.

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